Professor Michael Field

King Faisal Prize in Medicine 1984 Laureate

Topic: "Diarrheal Diseases "

We hope our research has been of benefit to patients with acute diarrhea which is often fatal to children in developing countries

Nationality: United States of America
Born: 20/7/1933, London, England, United Kingdom
Professor Michael Field was awarded the prize for his distinguished work in combating diarrheal diseases, represented by his contribution to the research that led to the understanding of the effect of toxins secreted by cholera and colon bacteria (causing diarrhea) on the cells of the intestinal mucosa, and his research that contributed to proving that the toxins of cholera microbes lead to the secretion of the enzyme adenosine monophosphate cyclic, which causes the loss of chloride ions through the mucous membrane of the small intestine. This discovery led to several attempts to find chemicals and drugs to counteract the effect of these toxins, and led to more studies on the means and methods of intestinal secretions.
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