Dr. Ahmad Domocao Alonto

King Faisal Prize in Service to Islam 1988 Laureate

Instilling Islamic consciousness and awareness in a country considered as the bastion of Christianity in the whole of Southeast Asia is not an easy task, and the obstacle facing the Muslim minority is only one of these difficulties

Nationality: Philippines
Born: August 1, 1914, Marawi, Republic of the Philippines
Dr. Ahmad Alonto was awarded the prize for his significant work in serving Islam and Muslims by leading the Islamic movement in the Philippines, and contributing in the establishment of many Islamic institutions in purpose of the Islamic Doctrine awareness; he founded a development commission in Mindanao to elevate the Muslim Filipino economy, and gather his people’s energy to eliminate the reasons behind their weakness. He effortfully worked on the Mindanao University establishment, which still plays a significant role in the scientific development of the Islamic society. He authored and translated countless valuable books and research into the Moro language, and participated in many conferences locally and internationally. Dr. Alonto successfully convinced the central government to empower Filipino Muslims into government elections, consider Islamic holidays, and appoint Muslims to high-ranked civilian and military positions. He also seeked independent Islamic governance and the founding of a legislative council in Islamic areas.
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