Dr. Mohammed Hashim Ghosheh

King Faisal Prize in Islamic Studies 2020 Laureate

Topic: "Islamic Heritage of Alquds "

For the research and publications to be conformed with Al-Quds and Islam’s status, a scrutinization of every monument and stone in the city is pivotal

Nationality: Jordan
Born: June 6, 1972, State of Kuwait
Dr. Mohammed Ghosheh was awarded the prize for his copious intellectual output regarding the history of Al-Quds and its monuments throughout the ages. One of which is his most outstanding Encyclopedia of Palestine in English, which contains extensive material regarding Al-Quds. In addition to the wide spectrum of topics he covered regarding Islamic Jerusalem, in the areas of economic, social, architectural, and cultural history, his voluminous output is truly considered to be a valuable contribution to students, researchers, and human knowledge in general.
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