International University of Africa

King Faisal Prize in Service to Islam 2019 Laureate

The civilized values of Islam rely on reform, advocacy, and human and natural development without making any undue compromises or going to any improper extremes

Country: Sudan
Establishment: 1966, Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan
International University of Africa was awarded the prize for its services to Islam and Muslim in spreading Islam, teaching its provisions, disseminating the Arabic language in Africa, preserving the Arab and Islamic heritage, and contributing to the deepening of Islamic authenticity. The university accommodates and teaches tens of thousands of students through seminars, conferences, and lectures that spread the awareness of true and humble Islamic values and teachings. It also expanded cognitively through its media tools, and geographically in many different countries. The university established specialized centers for advocacy and community development, research and studies, and writing languages in Quranic script, in addition to an institute specialized in disaster and refugee studies. It also established the largest Islamic library in African languages.
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