Professor Ferenc Krausz

King Faisal Prize in Science 2013 Laureate

Topic: "Physics "

Science knows no borders between countries

Nationality: Hungary
Born: 17/5/1962, Mór, Hungary
Professor Ferenc Krausz was awarded the prize for his independent pioneering work, which has made it possible to capture the incredibly fast motion of electrons in atoms and molecules with a time resolution down to attoseconds. One attosecond compared to one second is like one second compared to the age of the Universe. When intense ultra-short laser pulses are focused into a gas, a laser-like beam of attosecond pulses of ultraviolet light is produced. He developed powerful techniques for generating intense, tailored, waveforms of laser light, and he has applied these tools for observing and controlling the motion of electrons on a time scale of attoseconds to femtoseconds. His group was the first to generate single ultraviolet pulses with a duration as short as 80 attoseconds.
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