Professor James A. Thomson

King Faisal Prize in Medicine 2011 Laureate

Topic: "Stem Cell Therapy "

It is my hope that our efforts to understand pluripotent stem cells will one day give way to clinical applications capable of improving people's quality of lives

Nationality: United States of America
Born: 20/12/1958, Oak Park, Illinois, United States of America
Professor James Thomson was awarded the prize for his pioneering research, which enabled him to obtain stem cells from non-human precursor embryos, and then from human embryos, especially in reprogramming adult human skin cells to transform into multi-purpose embryonic cells similar in their functions to stem cells. This discovery, which he made in conjunction with Professor Shinya Yamanaka, opened wide horizons in the field of stem cell research. He encouraged many to study the possibility of using stem cells to treat some diseases.
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