Mohammad Al-A’zami was educated at Dar Al-Ulum College in Deoband (India) and Al-Azhar University in Cairo; he obtained his Ph.D. from Cambridge University (UK). Al-A’zami started his career as a teacher of Arabic for non-Arabic speakers and a Curator of the National Public Library in Qatar. After receiving his Ph.D., he moved to Saudi Arabia, teaching first at the Sharia College in Makkah, then at King Saud University (College of Education) in Riyadh. Professor Al-A’zami was one of the world’s most accomplished scholars of Hadith.
Professor Al-A’zami authored numerous keynote books, editions, book chapters and scholarly articles in Arabic and English. One of his books, Studies in Early Hadith Literature, is a classic; originally written in English and then translated into other languages and has been used as a teaching text in many universities worldwide. Al-A’zami’s list of major books includes: Kitab Al-Nabi, Manhaj Al-Naqd ind Aal-Muhaddithĩn, Hadĩth Methodology and Literature, and Dirasat fi Al-Hadith Al-Nabawi wa Tarikh Tadwinih. His critical editing include: Sunan Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah and Al-ilal of Ibn Al-Madini. Al-A’zami had also discovered and reviewed authentic ancient manuscripts of Hadith.
This biography was written in the year the prize was awarded.