Professor Paul B. Corkum

King Faisal Prize in Science 2013 Laureate

Topic: "Physics "

The greatness of science can be recognized by measuring the development of the foundation of the past and how it enables greater advances in the future

Nationality: Canada
Born: 30/10/1943, Saint John, New Brunswick, Dominion of Canada
Professor Paul Corkum was awarded the prize for his independent pioneering work which has made it possible to capture the incredibly fast motion of electrons in atoms and molecules with a time resolution down to attoseconds. One attosecond compared to one second is like one second compared to the age of the Universe. When intense ultra-short laser pulses are focused into a gas, a laser-like beam of attosecond pulses of ultraviolet light is produced. He was the first to explain this phenomenon with a conceptually simple model. He has harnessed this process for pioneering studies in collision physics, plasma physics, and molecular science. He has even been able to produce tomographic images of the movement of electrons in molecules.
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