H.E. Dr. Hamed Al-Ghabid

King Faisal Prize in Service to Islam 1992 Laureate

Through the deep changes going around the world nowadays, there are many difficulties and challenges for people whose social, political, and economic skeleton is weak and threatened by destruction

Nationality: Niger
Born: 1941, Tabon, Republic of the Niger
Dr. Hamed Al-Ghabid was awarded the prize for his role in establishing the Islamic Foundation for Social Sciences, Niami, Niger, for the purpose of financing projects of Islamic importance, such as mosques, schools, hospitals, publishing and the organization of symposia; his keen interest in building cooperation and mutual support among Islamic countries; his frequent visits to Bulgaria, Turkey and Albania to study the problems faced by Muslim minorities, to defend them, improve their conditions and to repatriate 250,000 Bulgarian Muslims to Turkey; his efforts in mediating internal disputes among Islamic states, during which he exhibited fairness and diligence in his activities to save lives, restore legitimacy and establish order; and his appeals to rich nations to help poor Islamic states.
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