Professor Al-Seddiq M. Al-Darir

King Faisal Prize in Islamic Studies 1990 Laureate

Topic: "Financial Dealings in Islamic Shari’a "

There must be a solid bond between jurisprudence and economy to eliminate the difficulties that emerge from the ignorance of transaction jurisprudence

Nationality: Sudan
Born: Professor Al-Seddiq Al-Darir passed away in Khartoum on July 5, 2015.
Professor Al-Seddiq Al-Darir was awarded the prize for his work on his book Al-Gharar Wa Atharuh Fi Al-Uqood Fi Al-Fiqh Al-Islami by following an authentic methodology and a precise research for scholars’ opinions, deeply studying contemporary global issues until he reached fruitful outcomes that manifest the limited capabilities of unislamic solutions trying to solve the economical issues the world is facing today.
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