Professor Ridwan Al-Sayyid

King Faisal Prize in Islamic Studies 2017 Laureate

Topic: "Muslim Political Thought Up To The 9th Century H./15th Century G."

Islam has always been the symbolic capital utilized by politicians, speakers, and religious groups with regards to the theory of authority, and in political fields and general management affairs

Nationality: Lebanon
Born: October 10, 1949, Tarchich, Mount Lebanon, Republic of Lebanon
Professor Ridwan Al-Sayyid was awarded the prize for his overall specialized publications that enriched the Arabic Library as well as his distinguished contribution to the Prize’s topic by contributing in his research and studies of broad and through knowledge of the Arabic Islamic jurisprudential and political heritage with full acquaintance with modern research methodology; characterizing his academic research by precise scientific methodology; succeeding in integrating original Islamic political thought and current Arabic Islamic reality; multiplying his studies on Muslim political thought, including issues of governance, authority, state, society, and nation as related to historic Islamic reality.
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