Professor Rudiger Wehner

King Faisal Prize in Science 2008 Laureate

Topic: "Biology"

It was during these exciting times at the advent of the modern biosciences that a chance event occurred: I came across Cataglyphis, a little beauty, a conspicuous, long-legged, highly speedy ant as it was dashing and darting across the floor of the Saharan desert

Nationality: Germany
Born: 6/2/1940, Nuremberg, Federal Republic of Germany
Professor Rudiger Wehner was awarded the prize for his outstanding neuroethologist work that revolved around the general question of how a 0.1-milligram brain of a 10-milligram animal solves complex computational tasks. He has focused on the extraordinary navigational skills of visually guided desert ants. His work has inspired many international research groups to use this elegant animal model for various conceptual and methodological approaches aiming at the questions of how nervous systems evolved, how they work and how they control behavior.
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