Professor Semir Zeki

King Faisal Prize in Science 2004 Laureate

Topic: "Biology"

Nature has devised essentially simple and beautiful solutions to apparently complex problems, and knowing this basic simplicity of these apparently complex phenomena is itself beautiful

Nationality: United Kingdom
Born: 8/11/1940, Beirut, Republic of Lebanon
Professor Semir Zeki was awarded the prize for his seminal work on the organization of the visual brain. He was the first to show that the visual brain consists of different areas that are functionally specialized to process and perceive different attributes of the visual scene. His subsequent studies have also shown that the visual brain perceives different attributes such as motion and color at different times, leading to the now widely accepted theory of temporal asynchrony in vision; which maintains that the visual consciousness consists of many different micro-consciousnesses that are distributed in space and time. Professor Zeki’s contributions have had a tremendous impact on the biology of vision.
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